How to use virtual visa card in store

How to use virtual visa card in store

Virtual Visa cards are a popular alternative to physical credit cards, offering convenience, security, and flexibility.  This is how to use a virtual visa card in store purchases. Add the card to your mobile wallet, visit the store, checkout using your mobile wallet, and use contactless payment at the counter. However, note that not all stores support contactless payments, some vendors may not accept virtual cards, and a backup plan is necessary.


Virtual Visa cards have become a popular alternative to physical credit cards. These digital counterparts offer convenience, security, and flexibility. In this article, we’ll explore how to use a virtual Visa card in store purchases, step by step.

1. Adding Your Virtual Card to Your Mobile Wallet

To get started, ensure you have a virtual Visa card issued by your bank or financial institution. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Your Mobile Wallet: Launch your preferred mobile wallet app (Google Pay, Samsung Pay, or Apple Pay).
  2. Add Card: Look for the plus sign (+) or “Add Card” option.
  3. Enter Details: Input your virtual card number, expiration date, and CVV code.
  4. Submit: Confirm the details and submit to add the card to your wallet.

2. Shopping In-Store

Now that your virtual card is ready, let’s shop:

  1. Visit the Store: Head to the store where you want to make a purchase.
  2. Checkout: When at the counter, use your mobile wallet.
  3. Contactless Payment: Hold your phone near the contactless payment terminal.
  4. Transaction Complete: The payment will process wirelessly.

3. Considerations and Limitations

Remember these points:

  1. Acceptance: While contactless payments are widespread, not all stores support them.
  2. Vendor Policies: Some vendors may not accept payments from virtual cards.
  3. Backup Plan: Carry cash as a backup in case of payment system issues.


Virtual Visa cards offer a seamless way to shop in-store without the hassle of physical cards. Embrace this digital revolution and enjoy secure, efficient transactions.

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